“Inclusive education is about participation and equal opportunity for all – in other words, ‘full membership’ of school and, later, society.”
Inclusion is complex and multifaceted. Here at the Stephen Perse Foundation, we are committed to inclusion in school, as just one aspect of inclusion in society.
Our SENCo and Inclusion Specialist works with pupils who have barriers to learning - as well as with students who have English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those students who are exceptionally able. This role ties in with our unique approach to learning in which the curriculum can be tailored to the individual learner. We will equip each and every pupil with the skills they need to succeed in whatever future they choose.
“Inclusion may also be seen as a continuing process of breaking down barriers to learning and participation for all children and young people. Segregation, on the other hand, is a recurring tendency to exclude difference.”
(CSIE, 2002b, p. 1)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At the Foundation all students are valued and we are committed to providing equal access for all to the broad and balanced curriculum we offer. We are supportive of pupils with all types of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
We consider ourselves to be a fully inclusive environment, where the individual is at the centre of the learning that takes place here.
We aim to make adaptations to the education we offer and to the school environment in order that all pupils can manage successfully, achieve their chosen outcomes and are offered equal opportunities to participate fully in the life of the school and take part in all possible activities.
We endeavour to support pupils to participate in additional/extra curricular activities that are provided through our sports, or after school clubs. We take the overall wellbeing of pupils very seriously and support them by working closely with them as individuals, as well as their parents/carers and the whole school community.
Identification of SEND
The needs of most pupils will be met by the high quality first teaching provided which will be tailored to the individuals particular needs and remove any barriers to learning there might be. However, when a special educational need is identified we will work with the pupil and parent/carer through regular planning discussions, review of provision and tracking of progress. We aim to use the Graduated Approach of “Assess, Plan Do, Review” to ensure that any special educational needs are met appropriately.
We recognise the importance of genuine communication, strong positive relationships and partnership between school and parents/carers and fully acknowledge the importance of parental knowledge and expertise in relation to their own children. With this in mind, we aim to meet with parents/carer once a term in order to be proactive and build substantial and effective working relationships.
Range of Provision
We believe that the Stephen Perse Foundation can offer a range of provisions/resources and are confident that our approach treating every student as an individual means that we can provide tailored support for students with SEND and provide bespoke support and resourcing according to specific need.
Our offer comprises the following:
Appropriate adaptations for the school curriculum (APOCA - Additional Provision or Curriculum Adjustments)
Whole staff training on SEND issues allowing teachers to develop their “craft knowledge” and developing high quality first teaching
Support at times of transition on entry into the school and between year groups, with additional meetings in liaison with key staff
Guidance and support with accessing specialist provision, should it be appropriate, for example; Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychologists, Play Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Specific Learning Difficulties Assessments (e.g. investigating dyslexia) and any other required by our students
The School Sites
We are working towards all our sites being as accessible as possible for all users. Across the four sites at 3-11 we have a variety of modifications to buildings to support access wherever possible. The constraints of older buildings are routinely reviewed using our Accessibility Plan where we look to further increase our accessibility. Please ring to discuss any particular concerns regarding accessibility to ensure the information you have is appropriate for the site you are discussing.
Do get in touch if you would like a tour any school in the 3-11 section of the Foundation. If you would like to meet with the SENCo/ Inclusion Specialist then please discuss this with the admissions team so any specific arrangements can be made. Any member of our Senior Leadership Team will be happy to tour you and give answers to your questions should that be more convenient.
Quote source: The Open University